The Stepping Stone Cycle

This page will contain all the latest news about the Stepping Stone Cycle, including any reviews that I receive. If you are a member of the press, or a reviewer who would like a review copy of the book, you may get in touch with me on the Contact page.

For those not in the know, Amazon has been offering the authors who use their self-publishing platform Kindle Desktop Publishing
It's time. I started this series in 2013 and while I never thought it would take this long to write,
It's been a long while since I updated this site with news of the Stepping Stone Cycle series, my updated
To celebrate eBooks, is running a Summer Sale for the entire month of July, 2018. Smashwords was one of
I recieved word today that the audiobook version of Memory Void, Episode 4 of the Stepping Stone Cycle, has gone
If you've followed the progression of this series of novellas, you'll know that the series concept was originally meant for
The time has come! Toll the bell! Episode 4 of the Stepping Stone Cycle, the novella called Memory Void has
It's official! Episode 4 of my Cthulhu Mythos series, The Stepping Stone Cycle, now has both a title and a
The first draft of Episode 4 of the Cthulhu mythos series is done! At around 25,000 words, this novella will